Transportation Infrastructure Construction Technique(s) & Environmental
Impact Review
27, 2009
Q. Which needs are of the highest priority for the U.S.
transportation infrastructure?
The United States highway and road infrastructure has an urgent
requirement for a
paradigm shift in materials technology that will both far outlast
current road materials technology as well as fit within incurred state
and federal budgets. As a part of the recent stimulus package signed by
the Obama Administration, the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of
2009 will provide $64.1 billion for transportation infrastructure
investment. Responsible & creative spending of these stimulus dollars
are necessary in order to develop and implement technologies that will
help to lower life-cycle costs, dependence on foreign resource, and
reduce America’s carbon footprint.
With respect to the need to reduce our carbon footprint, and
in coordination with the above stated primary need, there is a secondary
need to reduce and reuse the growing stockpile of scrap tires in the
United States. With the annual addition of over 290 million scrap tires
to America’s already stockpiled 250 million scrap tires the commitment
to recycling this valuable resource is both necessary and our
Q. How large is the current U.S. transportation infrastructure?
A. Today there are over 7 million miles of road and highways that play a vital
role in sustaining America’s economy. With current road pavement
technologies needing to undergo major renovation/replacement every 10-20
yrs the transportation infrastructure just isn’t surviving within the
available state & federal budgets.
Q. What is the most promising alternative to standard pavement
A. "Since
the 1960s an alternative paving technology utilizing crumb rubber
modifiers (CRM) has been used in highway applications. Numerous technologies have
been evaluated, with varying degrees of success. Asphalt rubber (AR) [utilizes
crumb rubber modifiers]
which has the longest history of use in highway applications, must meet
the requirements given in ASTM D-6114 “Standard Specification for
Asphalt-Rubber Binder” including the following:
a blend of asphalt
cement, extender oil, and crumb rubber
the crumb rubber
(minimum of 15%) is a combination of scrap tire rubber and high
natural rubber (HNR) additive
the binder is reacted
at elevated temperatures for a minimum of 45 minutes
the reacted asphalt
rubber binder must meet specified physical properties" [1]
1974 until 1989, approximately 660 miles of state highways were built
using a SAM or SAMI application of AR. During the last 20 years the ADOT
and FHWA have sponsored numerous research studies on an alternative
asphalt rubber paving technology which resulted in 42 research reports
being published, thus greatly increasing the state-of-the-knowledge
concerning AR"[3]. By way of example, AZ currently has over 3000
miles of AR paved highways.
Q. Is AR technology cost effective?
A. "A two-inch thick rubberized asphalt concrete overlay can
potentially save as much as $50,000 per lane mile when compared to a
four-inch thick conventional asphalt overlay"[2]. "A life-cycle cost
analysis (LCCA) was conducted and is based on information provided by
agencies. The results of the analysis warranted the following
- Fore the scenarios evaluated, asphalt rubber is a cost effective
alternate for many highway pavement applications.
When variability is considered in the inputs (cost, expected
life, etc.), the asphalt rubber alternates would be the best choice in
most of the applications considered.
Asphalt rubber was not cost effective in all applications. LCCA
allows one to determine when and where AR will be cost effective.
results of LCCA are highly dependent on the input variables. Many times
these inputs are only best estimates. Every effort is needed to obtain
accurate estimates of the average value and expected variability for
each input variable. Further, the cost effectiveness of AR is dependent
in many of the cases on the ability to reduce thickness when using AR.
Without a reduction in thickness, or longer lives for equal thicknesses,
the AR alternates would not be cost effective.[1] Results from
the Arizona DOT indicate that the AR alternate to be cost effective in
all applications. Caltrans survey results indicate that all applications
except multiple AR chip scenarios were cost effective over 70% of the
time. The results from Texas DOT showed that three of the eight
comparisons proved not to be cost effective. (stressed that results are
based and are highly dependent upon input values collected from
interviews and that different outcomes would result if parameters were
Q. Do AR roads really last longer?
A. "In 1988, a 25 mm (one inch) layer of an open-graded asphalt rubber
concrete friction course commonly referred to as AR-ACFC was placed on
several miles of Interstate 19, south of Tucson. The gradation of this
mix is shown on Figure 1. This AR-ACFC mix, containing 10.0 percent
asphalt rubber by weight of the mix as the binder (note: dilutant is no
longer used), was placed on top of a plain jointed concrete pavement.
Table 1 shows the mix design equation used to determine the AR-ACFC
binder content. All AR mixes for ADOT projects are designed in the
Materials Central Laboratory. Since 1988, no cracks reflected through
until 1996, when only a few transverse cracks appeared over the concrete
joints. In 1999 District Maintenance reviewed this project and concluded
that as before no maintenance was needed and amazingly to date twelve
years later no maintenance has been performed on this section. From this
first project, dozens of projects have been successfully built with
asphalt rubber as the binder[3].
(additional information from referenced article)
The AR contains 20 percent ground tire crumb rubber by weight of the
asphalt content. These projects were built with the expressed purpose of
controlling reflective cracks with a very thin layer of very elastic
material. To date, all projects have performed as expected. As a further
extension of this work, a structural overlay called a gap graded AR-AC
(Figure 1) was designed and built in 1990 on Interstate 40 near
Flagstaff, using AR as the asphaltic concrete binder (5 & 7). This
project also contained numerous Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP)
test sections as well as ADOT test sections. The purpose of the project
was to overlay a severely cracked and failed concrete pavement. As of
the most recent objective crack mapping review in May 1999, the asphalt
rubber sections built as the top portion (overlay top 50 mm (two inches)
AR-AC, 12.5 mm (half inch) AR-ACFC) have the least percentage of
reflective cracks. Indeed the percent cracking of the AR section is less
than one third of the 100 mm (four inch) conventional overlay and less
than one half the 200 mm (eight inch) overlay. The AR overlay project
built in 1990 as of today, ten years after construction, still has no
The AR-ACFC continues to provide a smooth riding, virtually crack free,
good skid resistant, quiet and virtually maintenance free surface [after
the 12 year study]…. The use of AR on this I-40 project alone
conservatively saved at least $18 million dollars and about four
years of construction traffic disruption. Attached pictures of I-40
before overlay (Illustration #2) and pictures taken in November 1997
(Illustration #3), clearly show the long term benefit of the use of AR
on this project. In 1998 additional comparative photos were taken from a
higher vantage point and also clearly show the reduction in reflective
cracking due to AR (Illustration #4)[3].
Figure 2
shows a comparison of the average percent cracking for conventional
overlay/inlay projects and those projects built with an AR-ACFC"[3].

Figure 3
shows the average rutting performance which has been surprisingly better
than expected[3].

Q. How
'green' is AR road technology?
A. "Asphalt rubber roads that meet the ASTM standard of minimum 15% scrap
tire rubber utilize an average of over 2,000 scrap tires per lane mile
(for a two inch overlay). This means that for a one-mile section of a
four-lane highway, over 8,000 scrap tires are used"[2].
"In addition, vehicle tire wear contributes to atmospheric
particulate matter (PM) and is regulated by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency because PM has been shown to affect human health. A
study found that emission rates of tire wear per kilometer driven on PCC
(Portland Concrete Cement) road surfaces were 1.4 to 2 times higher than
emission rates of tire wear on ARFC (Asphalt Rubber Friction Course)
road surfaces"[5].
"The good news is that due to the passage of State Assembly Bill 1843 in
2000 and the establishment of the Tire Recycling Management Act, the
California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) is leading a
revitalized effort to recycle tire material. CIWMB provides assistance
by promoting the use of rubberized asphalt concrete, commonly known as
RAC and affectionately referred to as "rubber roads." Rubberized asphalt
concrete, a paving product made from aggregates, asphalt cement and
reclaimed tire rubber.
The city of Thousand Oaks knows firsthand the benefits of using RAC. The
city has been using the product since 1992. To date, Thousand Oaks has
used rubber from 1.3 million discarded tires to resurface hundreds of
miles of surface streets. The city found that the improvements-increased
skid resistance, reduced road noise, improved riding qualities and
imperviousness to water-have made the use of RAC cost effective and more
desirable than traditional asphalt concrete.
Thousand Oaks is not the only city that has used RAC. The CIWMB awarded
more than 60 grants totaling $4.2 million between January and April of
this year alone. Many of these grants help first-time or limited-RAC
users, including San Clemente, Fremont, Rancho Cordova, Brea, San
Fernando, Galt, Ripon and Nevada City, to name just a few. Individuals,
businesses, local governments, universities, school districts, park
districts, and qualified California Indian tribes are also eligible to
apply for the grants."[2]
Q. Are roads safer using AR technology?
A. "Asphalt
rubber roads provide improved traction and wet weather visibility which
has proven to reduce the number of highway accidents. A study was
conducted to contrast the number of wet weather accidents before and
after an AR friction course overlay. The results showed that the number
of major accidents overall had decreased from 85 to 48 and wet weather
major accidents dropped from 39 to 19"[4]. A 51% reduction in major

The figure
below shows the Mu Meter skid resistance versus time; it shows that the
ARACFC has a slightly higher skid resistance over time than the
conventional ACFC[3].

Another road
in Texas had an unusually high number of accidents and fatalities. So
the TexDOT provided an emergency contract to place a PFC overlay on the
dense graded asphalt surface on Farm to Market Road FM 1341. A
tremendous improvement was noted after the overlay. Although the dry
weather accidents were not as significantly affected, some improvement
was made with reduction of nearly nine accidents on average each year.
What is most important is the reduction in accidents in wet weather. On
this project the average number of wet accidents dropped over 93%, from
an average of 21.3/year to 1.3/year, total injuries dropped over 66%
from 20.7 to 7.0.[4]

A striking
“statistic” is the reduction of accidents resulting in fatalities from 6
in the three years leading up to the surface improvement to 1 in the
three years following the improvement. An 83% reduction in fatalities
resulted from a surface improvement[4].
Q. Do AR roads reduce noise pollution?
A. "With regard to traffic noise, an Arizona Transportation Research Center
study (6)
printed in 1996, indicated that an AR-ACFC can lower the noise by as
much as 5.7 decibels….Therefore, the AR-ACFC overlay appears to be
capable of noticeably reducing roadside noise levels in certain
"Research has as shown that noise can be reduced as much as 85 percent
using an open graded rubberized friction course"[2].
Q. Can AR roads reduce
vehicle operating costs?
A. "AR PFC provided an excellent ride improvement, 61%, as is seen in the
IRI chart. A-R overlays will typically cut the roughness in half every
time"[4]. This translates to lower rolling friction and ultimately
lower vehicle operating costs with improved tire wear of up to 50% and
an increase in fuel efficiency of almost 5%[6].
In Summary, the use of AR in highway pavement establishes that:
More cost effective by as much as $50,000 per lane mile
Three times longer pavement life over conventional asphalt pavement
Environmentally responsible by recycling scrap tire rubber
Environmentally responsible by reducing atmospheric particulate matter
Environmentally responsible by improving fuel efficiency
Environmentally responsible by improving tire life
Environmentally responsible by reducing noise pollution
Environmentally responsible by lowering carbon footprint with extended
repaving cycle
Reduction in major wet weather accidents by 51%
83% reduction in traffic accident fatalities
Q. What emerging improvements are there for AR road technology?
Inasmuch as asphalt rubber pavement has proven to be the most superior
of all pavement construction materials, an advanced process technique
which further advances the effectiveness of asphalt rubber is the
P2GTR™ (PRIME Permutated Ground Tire Rubber) process.
Through continuous ARB evaluation it has been discovered that when
smaller than 140 mesh (75-100 microns) rubber particles are used, rather
than the conventional 20-40 mesh (850-600 microns), that fatigue
resistance is increased by a full factor resulting in predicted pavement
life of 30 yrs or more. The smaller ARB particle improves fatigue
resistance for several reasons:
Uniform grid of fine rubber particles within the asphalt medium more
completely attenuates oxidative embrittlement.
Fine particles uniformly saturate the asphalt medium thereby behaving
as part of the adhesive rather than functioning as an occlusion such
as is the case of a larger particle. This results in a substantially
higher modulus for the adhesive.
The current method of rubber particle size reduction, to the optimal
75-100 micron range, utilizes expensive cryogenic process steps with
production costs of $1-2 per pound making it a non-viable option for ARB
pavement systems. The P2GTR™ innovation has shown the greatest
promise in attempting to reduce the rubber particle size with a ca 50%
reduction in production cost making the process a viable option. In
addition to the cheaper production costs, the P2GTR™ process
produces a fine rubber particle with highly reactive sites that allow
the particle to be re-crosslinked into the ARB adhesive; resulting in
improved elasticity under cold weather conditions.
A2. Now ARB is user friendly
ARB is now available as an emulsion and the technology is called AROS™
(Asphalt Rubber Oxidation Shield).
The AROS™ innovation, which has a patent pending, begins as a
base thermoplastic adhesive which is prepared in accordance with ASTM
D6114-97 wherein a minimum of 15%, very fine crumb rubber (80-600 mesh)
is blended into and reacted with hot asphalt. Thereafter the Asphalt
Rubber is compounded and emulsified into a smooth, stable, waterborne
adhesive. AROS™ can be formulated as a coating, sealant
and/or adhesive which will cure quickly to a non-tracking, water
resistant binder or surfacing element with superior resistance to;
oxidative hardening, weather or mechanical wear. It may also be
formulated to cure at non-traditional winter temperatures down to 40F
and; at night.
AROS™ system performance highlights:
Superior resistance to oxidative hardening (a.k.a.
oxidative embrittlement)
Superior resistance to weather and mechanical wear
Minimum 3x improvement in pavement life
Improved load distribution between aggregate and binder
Can be emulsified (Excessive & oxidation accelerating
temperatures not req’d)
Improved and sustained skid resistant pavement surface
Applications possible down to 40°F
& at night
- Hicks R.G.,
Epps J.A.,
cycle costs for asphalt-rubber paving materials,,
publication year unknown.
- Way GB, OGFC Meets CRM: Where
the Rubber Meets the Road (12 years of durable success), Asphalt
Conference Atlanta, GA, March 1998.
- Rubber Pavements Association.
“SAFETY On Friction Courses-Update”. Rubber Pavements News
Spring 2008: pg. 6,10. (can also be found at the following link)
- Alexandrova, Olga ; Kaloush,
Kamil E; Allen, Jonathan O, Impact of Asphalt Rubber Friction
Course Overlays on Tire Wear Emissions and Air Quality Models for
Phoenix, Arizona, Airshed, Publisher:
Transportation Research Board, 2007. (can also be found at the
following link)
- Rubber Pavements Association.
“Asphalt-Rubber User Cost Benefits”. RPA News. Date Unknown. (can also
be found at the following link)